Thursday, September 29, 2022
Robinson Center Ballroom
11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Goodwill's annual awards luncheon honors the successes of our program participants, graduates, community and business partners.

Exclusive recognition and logo display as Diamond Sponsor.
Diamond sponsor will present check to Achiever and Graduate of the Year.
Prominent logo placement on programs, posters, video and at check-in.
Recognition via social media.
Inclusion in all press releases.
VIP placement of 2 tables (20 seats) at luncheon with logo displayed.
Diamond Sponsor recognition award.

Recognition and logo displayed as Platinum Sponsor.
VIP placement of 1 table (10 seats) at luncheon with logo displayed.
Platinum Sponsor recognition award.
Recognition via social media.

Recognition and logo displayed as Gold Sponsor.
VIP placement of 1 table (10 seats) at luncheon with logo displayed.
Gold Sponsor recognition award
Recognition via social media.
Recognition and logo displayed as Silver Sponsor.
1 Table (10 seats) at luncheon with logo displayed.
Silver Sponsor recognition award.

Shannon Boshears, CFRE
Senior Vice President of Development
501.372.5100 ext. 1300 or events@GoodwillAR.org
Sylvia Murchison
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
501.372.5100 ext. 1124 or events@GoodwillAR.org
Sponsorships and seating are limited. Make your reservations today.
Please provide your logo, by Monday, August 22, 2022 when you register online or email it to marketing@GoodwillAR.org to ensure inclusion on all marketing materials.