Every year millions of pounds of electronics end up in our nation’s landfills. E-waste is one of the fastest-growing components of solid waste. Many of these electronics contain elements such as lead, mercury, and cadmium that can be hazardous if disposed of in household trash and compacted at landfills. Electronics have been cited as a leading source of mercury in municipal waste. The largest source of cadmium in municipal waste is rechargeable nickel-cadmium (NiCd) batteries, commonly found in laptops, cell phones, and cameras. In addition, brominated flame-retardants are commonly added to plastics used in electronics. If improperly handled, these toxins can be released into the environment, posing a threat to human health.
Donating Electronics
Think about the last time you upgraded your cell phone or computer or threw out a camera because you purchased a new one. Sometimes these items are broken or no longer useful, but the vast majority are still in good working order. Give your gently used electronics a chance for a new life in someone else’s hands. Donating your unneeded electronic items can make it possible for a child who would not otherwise be able, to do their homework online or teach themselves coding, or it could help an adult in need get their first cell phone.
Shop Online
Your donated electronics will make their way into Goodwill stores and to the online Goodwill auction site, ShopGoodwill.com. Our stores will sell select items that are donated at their location.
We can accept:
Computers—all brands in any condition, keyboards, mice and monitors.
Entertainment—records, CDs, VHS, DVDs and video games.
We cannot accept:
Televisions in cabinets, cathode ray tube (CRT) televisions.
Photo copiers.
Fax machines.