Join #TeamBlueAR!
Looking for a job with a socially responsible retailer where you can do some good for yourself and the community? At Goodwill Industries of Arkansas, the work you do will make a difference. We have a variety of job openings throughout the state.
Goodwill Industries of Arkansas offers full and part-time positions, competitive wages, and benefits packages that can include health insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, vacation, holidays, sick leave and 403b retirement plans.
We are an Equal Employment/Affirmative Action employer. We do not discriminate in hiring on the basis of sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, color, religious creed, national origin, physical or mental disability, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local law.
To comply with the Health Plan Transparency in Coverage Rule, as a self-funded customer, UnitedHealthcare creates and publishes the machine-readable files on behalf of Goodwill Industries of Arkansas. To link to the machine-readable files, please visit transparency-in-coverage.uhc.com.
Form 1095-C or 1095-B, as applicable, is available upon request.
7400 Scott Hamilton Dr.
Little Rock, AR 72209
(501) 372-5100
For more information contact: HumanResources@GoodwillAR.org.